Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Airing: the first hoseless, maskless, micro-CPAP to get rid of snoring and to cure sleep apnea

Before you start reading this article ask a question to your partner or parents, do you snore?If, yes you are in trouble and it should be diagnosed immediately. Read further to know what can snoring leads to and why airing should be used to cure it.

Snoring is the often loud or harsh sound that can occur as you sleep. About 40 percent of adult men and 24 percent of adult women are habitual snorers. Snoring can be a nuisance to your partner and anyone else nearby. You may even snore loudly enough to wake yourself up.

Light snoring may not disrupt your overall sleep quality. Heavy snoring may be associated with obstructive sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder and a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and many other health problems.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea (AP-ne-ah) is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep. Breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes. They may occur 30 times or more an hour. Typically, normal breathing then starts again, sometimes with a loud snort or choking sound.

Untreated, sleep apnea causes a number of serious health problems, including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, memory impairment, weight gain, and headaches.

Sleep Apnea-Treatment 
CPAP machines can mitigate this problem, but their poor design causes sleep apnea sufferers to give up on it: 50% of CPAP users stop using it within one year. But with a new invention called the Airing which help the patients to get rid of sleep apnea and snoring problem too without going beyond their comfort zone. 

How Airing Works?

Like other sleep apnea devices, the Airing sends air into a wearer’s breathing tubes to keep them from collapsing. That can also eliminate snoring because it ensures airflow doesn't get obstructed. The Airing uses hundreds of tiny micro-blower plates, which open and close because of electrostatic force. When the plates have opposite charges, they attract, squeezing together like bellows. Each little pump does that thousands of times per second to create airflow.The air comes through two nose buds, which are made of molded silicon rubber. The buds form a seal inside the nose to maintain the air pressure and ensure that the device stays in place while the wearer sleeps. The Airing is powered by zinc-air batteries, which are powerful and light. But the batteries are not rechargeable, so each Airing can only be used once.

Design Specifications:

The Airing has raised more than $1,566,000 on Indiegogo and is a prototype by now. The company is building up full working product and each Airing is estimated to retail for $3. It would be available in market after it gets FDA clearance and insurance approval. But the company promises to start its shipping by July next year.

Here’s a video that was created to help with crowdfunding the Airing:

Write comments
  1. This looks amazing! My husband suffers from sleep apnea and uses a CPAP machine, but he has such a hard time falling asleep because of how bulky and obnoxious it is. He has also found it very uncomfortable to sleep on his back, which makes using the CPAP even more difficult. This device is absolutely necessary in my household! I will be following his company very closely. Thank you for the post!

  2. It is estimated that approximately 18 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. It is a condition that is characterized by disturbed sleep patterns throughout the night due to the cessation of breathing. These periods of cessation of breathing can last for a few seconds and up to 20 to 30 seconds at a time. Discover the latest sleep apnea treaments and why CPAP equipment is the most popular form of treatment cpap risk suffocation.

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